Italian Classrooms to Prohibit Smartphones

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Concerns Over Screen Time

A recent study by the Pew Research Center revealed that approximately two-thirds of parents express worries regarding the excessive screen time of their adolescent children. This concern over digital consumption has prompted action from educational authorities in Italy.

Minister’s Statement and Rationale

Giuseppe Valditara, Italy’s education minister, asserted that smartphones and tablets contribute to increased tensions within schools and can even incite aggression toward staff members. Citing these concerns, the minister announced the implementation of new guidelines prohibiting the use of such devices in Italian classrooms, including their exclusion for educational purposes.

Scope of the Ban

The ban encompasses students across all levels of education, from kindergarten to lower secondary schools. This initiative builds upon an existing prohibition introduced in 2007, which initially targeted the non-academic utilization of smart devices. However, enforcement of the previous ban has been inconsistent over the years.

International Recommendations

The decision aligns with global recommendations, such as those put forth by UNESCO, urging the restriction of smartphones in educational settings worldwide. UNESCO contends that these devices serve as distractions for students and have a detrimental effect on academic performance. With Italy’s move to enforce a comprehensive ban, it joins the international effort to address the challenges posed by excessive screen time in schools.

SOURCE: Ref Image from The Times

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