Russian strike kills nine, including toddler, in eastern Ukraine

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A Russian strike in eastern Ukraine has resulted in the deaths of nine people, including a toddler. The attack occurred in the Donetsk region, where pro-Russian separatists have been fighting Ukrainian forces since 2014. The Ukrainian government has accused Russia of supplying arms and troops to the separatists, a charge that Russia has repeatedly denied. The attack is the latest in a series of clashes between Ukrainian forces and separatists in the region.

The strike is a stark reminder of the ongoing conflict in eastern Ukraine, which has claimed the lives of over 13,000 people since 2014. The Ukrainian government has accused Russia of supporting the separatists and fueling the conflict, while Russia claims that it is not involved in the fighting. The international community has condemned the violence and called for a peaceful resolution to the conflict, but so far, a lasting ceasefire has proven elusive.

The tragic deaths of nine people, including a young child, highlight the devastating impact that the conflict in eastern Ukraine is having on civilians. The international community must continue to pressure both sides to find a peaceful resolution to the conflict, and to ensure that civilians are protected from the violence. The latest strike is a stark reminder that the conflict in eastern Ukraine is far from over and that innocent lives continue to be lost as a result of the ongoing fighting.

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