Life Sentences for Men Convicted of Raping and Murdering Dalit Sisters in India.

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A court in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh has handed down life sentences to two men convicted of raping and murdering two Dalit sisters last year. The case had garnered global attention due to its shocking brutality and sparked outrage. Two other defendants were sentenced to six years in prison each for tampering with evidence. The convicted individuals are likely to appeal the verdict in the high court.

Gruesome Crime Shakes Nation

The victims, teenage girls aged 17 and 15, were found hanging from a tree in Lakhimpur district in September. This gruesome crime sent shockwaves across the nation and beyond. The police had swiftly arrested six individuals, four of whom were convicted on Friday. Judgments against two minors are still pending.

Special Court Delivers Verdict

A special court focusing on cases related to the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (Pocso) found two of the adult defendants guilty of kidnapping, gang-raping, and murdering the sisters. Judge Rahul Singh described the crime as “rarest of the rare” and pronounced life sentences for the two convicts, indicating their sentences will last until their demise. Additionally, they were ordered to pay a fine of 41,000 rupees each.

Questions Surrounding the Case

The case presented a complex narrative. Police asserted that the girls had willingly accompanied some of the accused on their bike and were later raped, strangled, and hanged. However, the victims’ family challenged this version, claiming that the sisters had been kidnapped. Family members of the accused also maintained their sons’ innocence.

Awaiting Verdict for Minors

The verdict against the two minor accused, who were also arrested in connection with the crime, is expected to be delivered at a later date. This case brings attention to the need for thorough and unbiased investigations and the importance of swift justice to address such heinous crimes in India.

SOURCE: Ref Image from Herald Bulletin

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