Iran Resumes Controversial “Morality Police” Patrols to Enforce Hijab Laws.

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In a move that has sparked widespread controversy, Iranian police have announced the resumption of patrols to enforce dress codes and ensure women cover their hair in public. The so-called “morality police” will be back on the streets to uphold Iran’s hijab laws, according to a police spokesman. This decision comes nearly ten months after the death of Mahsa Amini, a young woman who died in custody following her arrest for allegedly violating the dress code, leading to massive protests and a temporary pause in the patrols.

Iranian Law and the Role of the Morality Police

Based on the country’s interpretation of Sharia law, Iranian women are required to cover their hair with a hijab and wear loose-fitting clothing. The morality police unit is tasked with enforcing these rules and detaining individuals perceived to be dressed “improperly.” During the patrols, officers will issue warnings to non-compliant women, with the possibility of resorting to legal action if orders are disobeyed, as stated by the police spokesman.

Controversy and Mahsa Amini’s Death

The death of 22-year-old Mahsa Amini last September sparked outrage and nationwide protests. Amini was arrested by morality police in Tehran for allegedly wearing her hijab “improperly” and later collapsed in a detention center. Reports circulated that officers had subjected her to physical abuse, intensifying public anger. The protests that followed marked a significant challenge to the authority of the country’s clerics and resulted in severe government crackdowns, including numerous deaths and arrests.

Response and Future Outlook

Following the protests, many Iranian women stopped wearing hijabs altogether. Although some Iranians staunchly support the strict dress code, social media videos indicated a growing number of women choosing not to wear hijabs. The Iranian authorities responded by implementing stricter punishments, such as forcibly closing businesses that did not comply with hijab laws. While the authorities aim to reassert control over the dress codes, some individuals believe it will be challenging for them to reimpose such rules due to widespread non-compliance and the potential for resistance.

Sanctions and International Response

The violent crackdown on protesters led to the imposition of sanctions on Iran’s morality police and top security figures by the UK and other Western countries. The move was a response to the Iranian government’s actions against the protesters and their violation of human rights. The exact size of the morality police force remains unclear, but they possess weapons, detention centers, and “re-education centers” as part of their infrastructure.

SOURCE: Ref Image from News X

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