The “Soviet book syndrome” explores the reasons why Russian propaganda is effective.

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The war in Ukraine is viewed by the West as an invasion accompanied by numerous crimes against humanity. However, many Russians initially shared similar sentiments and anti-war protests were relatively prominent in the first months after the full-scale invasion began. However, they died down quickly as many Russians see what is happening as a just war against the “collective West,” which is what Putin wants them to think.

Soviet-era education played a significant role in “unteaching” Russians how to think critically and independently. Contemporary Russian propaganda is strikingly different from Soviet propaganda, and although it uses much of the same traditional ideology, the technical approach is completely different. According to experts, it is possible that many Russians do not fall for the state propaganda, but they fear expressing their position because of the potential for repercussions and persecution. Disappointment and apathy also prevent many Russian citizens from speaking out, and they believe the war doesn’t affect them.

The “Soviet Book Syndrome” manifested itself in the 1990s when many Russian citizens found themselves on the brink of poverty while a few openly demonstrated wealth and status in society. They saw in their surroundings the real embodiment of the image of “decadent capitalism” that Soviet propaganda had been presenting to them for decades, something they had read about in Soviet books and newspapers. However, all the clichés that people had recently stopped believing, considering them Soviet fabrications, suddenly became harsh realities.

Experts believe that the Russian leaders themselves believe what the propaganda is actively ingraining in the minds of their citizens, at least for now. Years of repeating the same ideologies could not go unnoticed, and it is hard to imagine that a man who served in the KGB and fought against the West and capitalism did not take anything out of it. Initially, when Putin’s reign began, they had a very pragmatic approach, and these ideas, if there were any, were not on the surface. But gradually, when people keep repeating this to each other for years, hearing it from each other, then, of course, they start to believe it themselves.

SOURCE: Ref – euronews with AP

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